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2021 Nationwide Neighborhood Cleanup Enhancement Project

Based on the EcoLife Website Effectiveness Enhancement Project implemented in previous years, this project aims to maintain the results of the EcoLife Project while upgrading the existing functions on EcoLife. The results of the Ecolife system are the optimization of business functionality and more user-friendly logs. In terms of public toilets, the interface with public toilet files is now available; this allows users to review the accuracy of the information and refine the assessment for flaws of public toilets. Furthermore, a new reporting function is available to prevent Dengue Fever and diseases caused by environmental factors. Aiming at the empty lands/houses and construction sites controlled and managed by the central government, the new reporting function allows environmental protection entities to report findings during inspections and the reported results. In addition, to cope with the epidemic, the sanitization section and the quarantine location section have been established to manage the results of relevant businesses. Other work on environmental hygiene includes the following: the new interface with the Environmental Enforcement Management System (EEMS system); new functions including downloading the datasheet of environmental sanctions and providing interactive reports; simplifying the commonly used logs on EcoLife and establishing the mobile version of the logs. In summary, maintaining and developing these functionalities have made the system more user-friendly, and the refinement of data applications has improved the effectiveness of business management. Event accomplishments can be divided into three main parts. Firstly, 331 members participated in the EcoLife System training of which 42% were first-time participants. The majority of the participants (60%) were from the cleaning team. Secondly, work review meetings of “Clean Public Toilets and Environment” were held with 165 participants. The work review meetings assisted entities, which receive subsidies from the government, to manage public toilets by enhancing the concepts of designing, managing, implementing, and promoting clean public toilets. Lastly, this Project also includes seminars and visits. Seminars on coastal wastes and recycling at offshore islands were held, and the visit to Xiao Liuqiu Island, which had a total of 30 participants, was arranged. The successful experiences of the seminars and the visit to Xiao Liuqiu Island, plus the discussions of strategies and solutions with professionals of Orchid Island and Xiao Liuqiu Island, will be the references for subsequent implementation and promotion of relevant policies. To improve environmental hygiene, this Project took various measures to tackle the issue of cigarette butts by writing articles and publishing videos on this topic. A total of 6 articles and macro videos of cigarette busts were published on a Facebook fan page which reached more than 500 thousand people and received more than 4500 likes. Posters on the issue of cigarette butts have been designed and posted at 100 stores located at hotspots of cigarette butts. In addition, advertorials of cigarette butts were published in Studio Classroom magazine which allowed readers to reflect upon the influence of cigarette littering and make behavioral adjustments. Furthermore, through categorizing and analyzing the cases of sanction in the EEMS system, especially focusing on hotspots such as transport hubs, shopping, and recreational venues, tourist spots, markets, and parks, this Project gathered information on the facilities and methods used domestically and in foreign countries to put out cigarettes. Facilities that are suitable for our country are summarized into the following: cigarette receptacles, smoker’s pillars, and ashtrays; in principle, the height of these facilities shall be less than 1.2 meters while the diameter shall be less than 40 centimeters to prevent causing inconveniences to the pedestrians passing by. The location of these cigarette receptacles must comply with Article 16 of the Tobacco Hazards Prevention Act. If receptacles must locate near the stores under the pedestrian’s arcade, the smoking area shall not take up more than 50% of the outdoor area of that site and shall not be at locations where people cannot avoid passing by. The purpose is to improve the environmental quality of non-smoking areas nearby. This project also performed a cost analysis on cleaning up environments with cigarette butts which included the following costs: gully emptiers, preventing cigarettes from going through drainage covers and removing them from it, educational signs and drawings on the drainage covers to prevent cigarette littering, implementing cigarette extinguishing facilities, and the manpower for cleaning up hotspots, surveying/inspecting/reporting the status of cigarette littering and driving gully emptiers. All information is provided for the employer's reference to plan the cost of cleaning up and maintaining the environment.
Cigarette Butts, Public Toilet, Environmental Hygiene